De valuation of Rupees
नोट:- मेरे फेसबुक पोस्ट को रिपोर्टिंग के कारण से दुबारा शेयर करने से ब्लाक किया जा चुका है, क्योंकि इस दुनिया में अभिव्यक्ति का आजादी केवल शक्तिशाली एवं विदेशी बैंकिंग सगठित माफियाओं द्वारा संचालित लोगों के लिए है, हम लोगों के लिए नहीं है, इस पोस्ट में भी de वैल्यूएशन शब्द आने के कारण, से यह पोस्ट संपादित करने के बाद भी दिखलाई नहीं दे रहा . पाठक गण जिस किसी को भी ये पोस्ट दिखलाई पड़े, कमेन्ट में लिखें, ठीक करने को एडिट किया जाएगा. थैंक्स.
Devaluation of rupee & how to stop devaluation of rupee. This is copy of one of my facebook post which I am posting here, because facebook blocked this content as this post gone under vast reporting .Thanks
At time of Independence rupee value was equal to dollar, slowly rupee value started decreasing. In 1980s it was around 8 rupee per dollar. In 1991 rupee value became 15 rupees per dollar and from 1991 when MMS became minister rupee value started decreasing very fast. Well, Ups and downs will be there.
♦ it is NOT possible for govt to increase rupee value up to 100 rupee per dollar nor cannot decrease to 10 rupee per dollar as govt wish.
♦ It is possible for govt to increase or decrease only for few days or up to one month, after month govt stamina will destroy and market rate will take up.
♦ Rate decides by market forces, here govt can increase or decrease rupee rate for about 5% and that to couple of months not years together.
So, what is the factors currency rate dependence on? There is lot of factors.
1) Very first impotent factor depended on strength of military of country.
Today dollar dominance in the entire world is because of its military power. It is saying that currency depends on economy, depends on import and export etc, but economy is completely depends on strength of military.
The word military is not seen in text books of economics, almost every economist is paid economist, paid economist always mention in negative direction to reduce defense expenditure.
Entire economy is completely depends on strength of military and also currency. How? Because if countries military is strong hence,
♦ That country is able to protect their own natural resources.
♦ Also can able to take over other countries natural resources.
We can see as America military is strong, so there are able to conquer Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Libya etc crude oil wells, next Iran wells will be taken over or will get destroyed by American army or US army will destroy the drilling machine or get control of entire wells.
Today Saudi, Kuwait has become slaves to America, WHY--- because US army is protecting them. The day when Saudi Arabia sheikhs says that they are not going to invest in US economy, at that particular time US army will kill Saudi Arabia sheikhs.
And how Kuwait, Libya, Saudi oil has became America’s property? ---- In Kuwait only America or their puppet countries like Britain, France, Germany etc will get contract to extract petrol. These contractors will extract petrol at very low royalty. If in international market America Company sells petrol at 100 dollars, the extraction cost will be around 4 to 5 dollars and royalty will be given to Saudi or Kuwait govt around 10 to 20 dollars, rest about 70 to 80 dollars are profit to American companies.
Also Saudi, Kuwait princes always will be under pressure has to invest their royalty in American share market or in bond market willingly or unwillingly. Again royalty has been gone to America; if not America army will kill Saudi, Kuwait princes.
For name sake Saudi or Kuwait princes are living in freedom, they are become slaves to America or to America puppet countries. Name sake freedom in the sense after 1857, in India all the kings are in freedom but living as slaves to English people. Likewise, Saudi, Kuwait etc have became slaves to America because America has army, by this strong army they are looting natural resources of other countries and able to protect their own natural resources.
NATURAL RESORUCES economy is valuable & very important.
Every country needs Uranium, coal, gas, petrol etc so which country has strong army they will protect their natural resources and because they are able to protect their own natural resources their CURRENCY value will become stronger and stronger.
Now, if we want Saudi Arabia or Kuwait etc petrol we need dollars and in Iraq about 3 yrs there was no currency except dollar, entire transactions was depend on dollar so, if we want petrol then need to pay them in dollar.
Hence, natural resources will give value to currency and natural resources depend on how strong that countries military is. So value of currency is depending on strength of that countries army.
2) Another important factor depends on that countries production and manufacturing capabilities in different products. Example WHY Japan currency Yen has good value in market because,
♦ Japan is manufacturing very good quality products which other countries are not able to make.
♦ If another country may manufacture the same thing as Japan, but quality wise that is not as good as Japan. We can see China is able to make Television as Japan is making and cheaper than Japan but quality wise china TV etc is not as good as Japanese and Japan able to finish with latest category technology which is not seen in made in China.
Japan is able to make such a latest tech TV, MRI machines etc which are not manufacturing in other countries, if other countries able to manufacture- production cost will be higher than Japan. So other countries are importing goods from Japan, hence Japan currency value get increase.
Japan has very less natural resources and army is not that much strong, but because of their manufacturing goods with advance high technology and good quality Japan currency has high value in market.
3) Another factor is HOW much loan taken from other countries. If we have taken loan in dollars then we have to pay interest and principle by buying dollars, so we have to buy dollars, hence demand of dollar increases in the market.
In our country there is demand of dollar and increasing because we have to pay back loan which is taken from IMF, World Bank, Asian development bank etc., and loan is in dollars, hence dollar rate increasing in India.
So how much loan taken from foreigners that much of rupee value will be decreases.
We the citizens of India have natural rights to say that India not going to pay the loan to any one, which is given by bribing ministers. This is a big political decision.
IMF, world bank, Asian development bank etc bribed MP, MLA Ministers, bribe was given at Sarpanch level -- given loan to Indian govt and all these ministers taken percentage on loan given by IMF World bank, etc.,
And America also has taken loan from others, but their currency value is not decreasing, may be little bit. Because America has military and US govt has taken loan in terms of dollars, If US wants to repay loan US will print dollars and will settle the loan.
4). Another factor depends of how much country is importing.
In 1991 American companies made their puppets MMS, PVRao as ministers, by these puppet ministers American companies destroyed public transportation system in India and encouraged private transportation by decreasing excise and import duty on vehicles. Hence public began to purchase own vehicles at large scale. Also footpaths were destroyed; city design was made in such a way that public finding difficult walking on footpaths, so demand of scooters increased.
Transport policy was made in such a way that private vehicles became high and our import of petrol became high. Increase in Import of Petrol means Rupee value becomes weak & dollar rate will increase. Because Saudi, Kuwait etc petrol wells are in the hands of America so we have to buy petrol by purchasing dollars.
So how much we import that much of rupee value decreases and how much we export that much of rupee value increases.
Very first large scale we are importing is petrol, crude oil. So what are laws by which import of oil can be reduce,
1). We have to increase vehicle import duty; by this local manufacturing will increase. Vehicles which have less fuel efficiency on that excise will be high & vehicles which have high fuel efficiency on that excise will be low hence large vehicles final price will be high so petrol consumption will be reduced.
2). Encourage public transportation system so that people starts using scooter will reduce – person comes out take footpath to bus stop and uses footpath to office. So on.
3). Should made good wide footpaths in cities so that people wishes to walk hence less consumption of fuel.
Right to recall, JURY system, 1% wealth tax will import local manufacturing hence rupee value will also increases.
Devaluation of rupee & how to stop devaluation of rupee. This is copy of one of my facebook post which I am posting here, because facebook blocked this content as this post gone under vast reporting .Thanks
At time of Independence rupee value was equal to dollar, slowly rupee value started decreasing. In 1980s it was around 8 rupee per dollar. In 1991 rupee value became 15 rupees per dollar and from 1991 when MMS became minister rupee value started decreasing very fast. Well, Ups and downs will be there.
♦ it is NOT possible for govt to increase rupee value up to 100 rupee per dollar nor cannot decrease to 10 rupee per dollar as govt wish.
♦ It is possible for govt to increase or decrease only for few days or up to one month, after month govt stamina will destroy and market rate will take up.
♦ Rate decides by market forces, here govt can increase or decrease rupee rate for about 5% and that to couple of months not years together.
So, what is the factors currency rate dependence on? There is lot of factors.
1) Very first impotent factor depended on strength of military of country.
Today dollar dominance in the entire world is because of its military power. It is saying that currency depends on economy, depends on import and export etc, but economy is completely depends on strength of military.
The word military is not seen in text books of economics, almost every economist is paid economist, paid economist always mention in negative direction to reduce defense expenditure.
Entire economy is completely depends on strength of military and also currency. How? Because if countries military is strong hence,
♦ That country is able to protect their own natural resources.
♦ Also can able to take over other countries natural resources.
We can see as America military is strong, so there are able to conquer Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Libya etc crude oil wells, next Iran wells will be taken over or will get destroyed by American army or US army will destroy the drilling machine or get control of entire wells.
Today Saudi, Kuwait has become slaves to America, WHY--- because US army is protecting them. The day when Saudi Arabia sheikhs says that they are not going to invest in US economy, at that particular time US army will kill Saudi Arabia sheikhs.
And how Kuwait, Libya, Saudi oil has became America’s property? ---- In Kuwait only America or their puppet countries like Britain, France, Germany etc will get contract to extract petrol. These contractors will extract petrol at very low royalty. If in international market America Company sells petrol at 100 dollars, the extraction cost will be around 4 to 5 dollars and royalty will be given to Saudi or Kuwait govt around 10 to 20 dollars, rest about 70 to 80 dollars are profit to American companies.
Also Saudi, Kuwait princes always will be under pressure has to invest their royalty in American share market or in bond market willingly or unwillingly. Again royalty has been gone to America; if not America army will kill Saudi, Kuwait princes.
For name sake Saudi or Kuwait princes are living in freedom, they are become slaves to America or to America puppet countries. Name sake freedom in the sense after 1857, in India all the kings are in freedom but living as slaves to English people. Likewise, Saudi, Kuwait etc have became slaves to America because America has army, by this strong army they are looting natural resources of other countries and able to protect their own natural resources.
NATURAL RESORUCES economy is valuable & very important.
Every country needs Uranium, coal, gas, petrol etc so which country has strong army they will protect their natural resources and because they are able to protect their own natural resources their CURRENCY value will become stronger and stronger.
Now, if we want Saudi Arabia or Kuwait etc petrol we need dollars and in Iraq about 3 yrs there was no currency except dollar, entire transactions was depend on dollar so, if we want petrol then need to pay them in dollar.
Hence, natural resources will give value to currency and natural resources depend on how strong that countries military is. So value of currency is depending on strength of that countries army.
2) Another important factor depends on that countries production and manufacturing capabilities in different products. Example WHY Japan currency Yen has good value in market because,
♦ Japan is manufacturing very good quality products which other countries are not able to make.
♦ If another country may manufacture the same thing as Japan, but quality wise that is not as good as Japan. We can see China is able to make Television as Japan is making and cheaper than Japan but quality wise china TV etc is not as good as Japanese and Japan able to finish with latest category technology which is not seen in made in China.
Japan is able to make such a latest tech TV, MRI machines etc which are not manufacturing in other countries, if other countries able to manufacture- production cost will be higher than Japan. So other countries are importing goods from Japan, hence Japan currency value get increase.
Japan has very less natural resources and army is not that much strong, but because of their manufacturing goods with advance high technology and good quality Japan currency has high value in market.
3) Another factor is HOW much loan taken from other countries. If we have taken loan in dollars then we have to pay interest and principle by buying dollars, so we have to buy dollars, hence demand of dollar increases in the market.
In our country there is demand of dollar and increasing because we have to pay back loan which is taken from IMF, World Bank, Asian development bank etc., and loan is in dollars, hence dollar rate increasing in India.
So how much loan taken from foreigners that much of rupee value will be decreases.
We the citizens of India have natural rights to say that India not going to pay the loan to any one, which is given by bribing ministers. This is a big political decision.
IMF, world bank, Asian development bank etc bribed MP, MLA Ministers, bribe was given at Sarpanch level -- given loan to Indian govt and all these ministers taken percentage on loan given by IMF World bank, etc.,
And America also has taken loan from others, but their currency value is not decreasing, may be little bit. Because America has military and US govt has taken loan in terms of dollars, If US wants to repay loan US will print dollars and will settle the loan.
4). Another factor depends of how much country is importing.
In 1991 American companies made their puppets MMS, PVRao as ministers, by these puppet ministers American companies destroyed public transportation system in India and encouraged private transportation by decreasing excise and import duty on vehicles. Hence public began to purchase own vehicles at large scale. Also footpaths were destroyed; city design was made in such a way that public finding difficult walking on footpaths, so demand of scooters increased.
Transport policy was made in such a way that private vehicles became high and our import of petrol became high. Increase in Import of Petrol means Rupee value becomes weak & dollar rate will increase. Because Saudi, Kuwait etc petrol wells are in the hands of America so we have to buy petrol by purchasing dollars.
So how much we import that much of rupee value decreases and how much we export that much of rupee value increases.
Very first large scale we are importing is petrol, crude oil. So what are laws by which import of oil can be reduce,
1). We have to increase vehicle import duty; by this local manufacturing will increase. Vehicles which have less fuel efficiency on that excise will be high & vehicles which have high fuel efficiency on that excise will be low hence large vehicles final price will be high so petrol consumption will be reduced.
2). Encourage public transportation system so that people starts using scooter will reduce – person comes out take footpath to bus stop and uses footpath to office. So on.
3). Should made good wide footpaths in cities so that people wishes to walk hence less consumption of fuel.
Right to recall, JURY system, 1% wealth tax will import local manufacturing hence rupee value will also increases.
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