Lies of International Diplomacy

"Secret societies"
Most people know WHO they are, they belong to the same "TRIBE", they work as international mafia, or "family", they control all key-sectors of ALL western countries and make us think we are free and they don't exist.
Examples of unjust wars / military actions led by western governments in the world BASED ON LIES
1. NATO & US send troops to Ukraine because Russia invades Ukraine and is killing Ukrainians = LIE
2. NATO & US invade Iraq because it has Weapon of mass destruction = LIE
3. Libya has a mad dictator who is killing his people and giving his troops Viagra to help them rape innocent civilians, and therefore NATO supports "rebels" = LIE
4. US / NATO invade Afghanistan because it has a top dangerous terrorist Bin Laden who did 911 = LIE
5. NATO destroys the terrorists in Syria, Iraq and Libya = LIE
6. NATO invades Kosovo to stop ethnic cleansing of Kosovo-Albanian people = LIE
7. Grenada war was because Grenada has a threat to US medical students = LIE
8. Vietnam war was because North Vietnam did the "Gulf of Tonkin Incident" (also called "USS Maddox Incident") on Americans = LIE
9. WW2: Adolf Hitler was crazy and wanted to invade Europe then the world, and therefore the Allies should stop him = LIE
10. WW2: Hitler started the war and invaded Poland because he is crazy, not in order to save Germans who were intentionally slaughtered by the Polish to provoke the war: LIE
11. WW2: Americans didn't have prior knowledge of the Japanese strike on Pearl Harbor, so the aggression of Japan pushed them to the war = LIE
12. WW1: The Allies didn't provoke the Lusitania ship sinking by the Germans and the ship didn't have weapons but only civilians, but the Germans were crazy terrorists and attacked the ship because they wanted America to enter the war = LIE
13. Spanish-American War 1898: the USS "Main" ship was sank by Spain to provoke the war, and didn't sink by a catastrophic accident = LIE
- The 65 years history of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) unjust wars:
- Example of a modern secret society that rules USA
You can Google for more info


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