Indira Gandhi vs Narendra Modi over FDI and Indian market
Indira Gandhi did not allow FDI like Namo & co. She also did not pass patent laws as US wanted. She opposed USA and also opposed USSR (eg USSR did not want India to do Pokharan-1) & She strengthened military. That's why USA bribed judges to give judgment against Devi Indira Amma. Modi given Indian land to settle Bangladesh while IG divided Pak in two parts. Big differences between the two.
IG braught population control for all groups of people because she was sure that muslims are going to be dangerous for unity of Indian land. IMO, for her India was first, it doesn't matter here what her personal views for Hinduism were.
IG braught population control for all groups of people because she was sure that muslims are going to be dangerous for unity of Indian land. IMO, for her India was first, it doesn't matter here what her personal views for Hinduism were.
irrespective of what she done for unity of Indian land, this is fact that in regime of almost all Indian PMs, there is NO democracy in true sense in which public can convey their problems to their leaders.
In NZ, Citizens have the right s of referendum for changes in electoral acts etc. New Zealand, Italy, and Switzerland are the only countries whose laws allow for citizen-initiated referendums (CIRs) nationally. On 25 May 1949, the then PM announced that a referendum would be held on the future of Compulsory Military Training. The results on 3 August 1949 strongly approved reintroduction of CMT, with 77.9% in favor. Although in 1972, a Labour government ended National Service, from then military training in New Zealand has been voluntary.
In Recent years in December 2013 referendum was held for an issue that “Do you support the Government selling up to 49% of Meridian Energy, Mighty River Power, Genesis Power, Solid Energy and Air New Zealand?” Citizens didn’t support this government move, with 67.3% NO; 32.4% YES.
Local government (regional councils, territorial councils and District Health Boards) hold referendum and on many local issues which they consult with citizens. Referendums have been held on water fluoridation, changing the electoral system to Single Transferable Vote and merging authorities together.
In NZ, Citizens have the right s of referendum for changes in electoral acts etc. New Zealand, Italy, and Switzerland are the only countries whose laws allow for citizen-initiated referendums (CIRs) nationally. On 25 May 1949, the then PM announced that a referendum would be held on the future of Compulsory Military Training. The results on 3 August 1949 strongly approved reintroduction of CMT, with 77.9% in favor. Although in 1972, a Labour government ended National Service, from then military training in New Zealand has been voluntary.
In Recent years in December 2013 referendum was held for an issue that “Do you support the Government selling up to 49% of Meridian Energy, Mighty River Power, Genesis Power, Solid Energy and Air New Zealand?” Citizens didn’t support this government move, with 67.3% NO; 32.4% YES.
Local government (regional councils, territorial councils and District Health Boards) hold referendum and on many local issues which they consult with citizens. Referendums have been held on water fluoridation, changing the electoral system to Single Transferable Vote and merging authorities together.
You might be aware of the fact that in Indian democracy, it is very much difficult for common people to voice against or support any move of Govt except on facebook, but you might be aware that facebook is not going to interact to your government for your voice. So why not to bring such system in which common people can support/oppose or demand any change in any clause to benefit citizen? For this purpose pl demand -
In this process, you need only your voter-ID and you won't have to follow any lengthy processes as of now.
In this process, you need only your voter-ID and you won't have to follow any lengthy processes as of now.
You can order your political leaders like this- Hon'ble MP/MLA/PM, due to my constitutional duty inherited by being an Indian citizen, I order yo to print the draft of draft in gazett to make it a law.
Voter-ID- xxxxxxxx.
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राजनैतिक, आर्थिक, सामरिक-क्षमता में, अगर कोई देश अन्य देशों पर निर्भर रहता है तो उस देश का धर्म, न्याय, संस्कृति, विज्ञान व प्रौद्योगिकी, अनुसंधान व जनता तथा प्राकृतिक संसाधन कुछ भी सुरक्षित नहीं रह जाता.
वही राष्ट्र सेक्युलर होता है, जो अन्य देशों पर हर हाल में निर्भर हो.