Democracy Hijack
Did you ever wonder why most of the western wars on other nations claim to establish democracy and do it sooner or later? Did you ever wonder why education books, mass media and politicians always promote democracy as a best modern system?
Almost in every country in the world today, the number of people unable to think for themselves is substantially higher than the number able to make independent decisions. Those unable to think for themselves, have their thinking done for them by the mass media (NEWS and ENTERTAINMENT). The problem occurs when the mass media is controlled by SECRET SOCIETIES who also control politics and finance.
In addition, the more there are poor families, hard workers, drug addicts, homeless, watchers of game shows, porn, entertainment, soap operas, Hollywood movies… the more the grip of the media masters on the political process and the public support of political actions is STRONGER.
They are the real rulers (shadow governments), they sponsor ALL candidates for each key-elections, especially the biggest political parties, they promote them in their corporate media in order to ENSURE that WHOEVER will win, will serve their interests. This illusion of free choice is called “Democracy”.
When the elected puppet fails or turns against them, they fabricate any scandal / coup, amplify it in mainstream media, and demonize him (or worse: assassinate / threaten him), but never reveal themselves to the public, then replace him with another “good” puppet.
---------- Democracy has been highjacked ----------
The INTERNATIONAL call for democracy is a PLAN OF the INTERNATIONAL Jewish bankers, oligarchs, Zionist & Jewish lobbies who today rule the world, control 99% countries with their Jewish private Rothschild central bank. Why the Rothschild are Zionist? Because they “created” Israel in 1917 (Balfour declaration to the Jewish banker Walter Rothschild) and they orchestrated, planned, financed WW1 & WW2 to advance their Zionist New World Order watch this: watch?v=J8kTa9UkpXo
Voltaire, the French Philosopher said it perfectly: "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize". Today in ALL western countries, you are NOT allowed to criticize the Jewish - Zionist power over all sectors of your country. This silence allows them to cover their full control over the western world, their crimes, corruption, financial racket (2008 crisis), false flags (911 terrorism), lobbying for wars (Iraq, Afghanistan...)... When you do so, you are labeled "Antisemitic", a trick they use to silence you, as if you hate all the Jewish people. MUST WATCH this: Zionist shadow government of USA watch?v=Zw9EhjyU3JU
JFK speech about the secret societies: watch?v=xhZk8ronces
Protocols of elders of Zion compressed 17min 30282/ Protocols-Of-The-Learned-El ders-Of-Zion-Explained-Dr- William-L-Pierce
Almost in every country in the world today, the number of people unable to think for themselves is substantially higher than the number able to make independent decisions. Those unable to think for themselves, have their thinking done for them by the mass media (NEWS and ENTERTAINMENT). The problem occurs when the mass media is controlled by SECRET SOCIETIES who also control politics and finance.
In addition, the more there are poor families, hard workers, drug addicts, homeless, watchers of game shows, porn, entertainment, soap operas, Hollywood movies… the more the grip of the media masters on the political process and the public support of political actions is STRONGER.
They are the real rulers (shadow governments), they sponsor ALL candidates for each key-elections, especially the biggest political parties, they promote them in their corporate media in order to ENSURE that WHOEVER will win, will serve their interests. This illusion of free choice is called “Democracy”.
When the elected puppet fails or turns against them, they fabricate any scandal / coup, amplify it in mainstream media, and demonize him (or worse: assassinate / threaten him), but never reveal themselves to the public, then replace him with another “good” puppet.
---------- Democracy has been highjacked ----------
The INTERNATIONAL call for democracy is a PLAN OF the INTERNATIONAL Jewish bankers, oligarchs, Zionist & Jewish lobbies who today rule the world, control 99% countries with their Jewish private Rothschild central bank. Why the Rothschild are Zionist? Because they “created” Israel in 1917 (Balfour declaration to the Jewish banker Walter Rothschild) and they orchestrated, planned, financed WW1 & WW2 to advance their Zionist New World Order watch this:
Voltaire, the French Philosopher said it perfectly: "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize". Today in ALL western countries, you are NOT allowed to criticize the Jewish - Zionist power over all sectors of your country. This silence allows them to cover their full control over the western world, their crimes, corruption, financial racket (2008 crisis), false flags (911 terrorism), lobbying for wars (Iraq, Afghanistan...)... When you do so, you are labeled "Antisemitic", a trick they use to silence you, as if you hate all the Jewish people. MUST WATCH this: Zionist shadow government of USA
JFK speech about the secret societies:
Protocols of elders of Zion compressed 17min
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