Creation of Saudi Arabia and Hidden Plan of Zionism
Saudi Arabia is historically created by Britain in order to destroy the Ottoman empire, weaken the Muslim power, and serve Zionism. Plans have been made long time ago, before WW1, by western governments (the Allies) & Russia that were all controlled by the Jewish Rothschild bankers to start Zionism. In 1897, they made the 1st Zionist congress in Basel-Switzerland (…/Zioni…/firstcong.html)
These Jewish Rothschild bankers & elites, planned the Bolshevik revolution in Russia and incidents to start WW1 (, that was won by the countries controlled by them, because they proposed to Britain to push USA to enter the war to win on Germany ONLY if Britain WILL create a country for the Jews in Palestine. In 1917, long time before the arrival of Hitler to power, Britain has already made official promise to the lord Rothschild (Jewish banker) in a letter called "Balfour declaration" that a state for the Jews will be created in Palestine. See:…/Balfour_portrait_and_declarat…
In parallel, in 1916, the British empire, controlled by the Rothschild Jewish bankers, started its work in the middle east to prepare this big Zionist plan. Britain financed and armed the Wahhabi Al-Saoud family to rise to power and create Saudi Arabia of today, a strong regime pro-Israel ( The reason was to destroy the Ottoman empire and create smaller weaker Arabic states that will be later colonized by the Zionist-controlled western countries. They made a secret plan to colonize the Middle in 1916 called "Sykes-Picot Agreement" (–Picot_Agreement) that was revealed and executed after the destruction of the Ottoman empire to have Britain occupy the holy land, which will facilitate later the transfer of the Jews from Europe to Palestine and the creation of Israel by the British (nothing to do with Hitler, because WW2 was part2 of WW1, a war imposed on Hitler who removed the Jewish grip from German media, central banking, politics
You can see clearly that there is an "invisible" power in Britain, Allies countries & Russia who orchestrated all these events, destroyed the Ottoman empire, removed the enemies such as the Tsar of Russia and Adolf Hitler, promised Palestine to the Jews in 1917, created Bolshevism & Communism, planned & controlled WW1 & WW2, created Saudi Arabia, used and controlled USA... All that to create & protect the Zionist international plan to rule the world, set Arab dictators to oppress any Arab revolt, and create organization to protect Zionism such as UN, VETO vote, ADL, AIPAC. They are the Rothschild Jewish international bankers, who are working till today to finalize the old plan made in 1897 in Basel-Switzerland & their New World Order
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